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Yoga and fitness tips

Parivritti Janu Sirshasana -

Parivritti Janu Sirshasana this asana effects our  whole body this asana is the spinal twist group 's posture. New practitioners should not practice in beginnings. It effect our lateral stretch, hamstrings, shoulders, abdominal organ etc in this article we know about parivritti Janu Sirshasana how to do, duration time, breathing technique, sequences, Benefits and precaution.

Preparatory poses -

PadmasanaDhyana Veerasana, Siddhasana etc. 

Follow up poses - 

Janu Sirshasana, bhumi naman asana, paschimottanasana etc. 

How to do spiralled head to knee pose - 

1/ Sit with the legs about a metre apart.

2/ Bend the left knee and place heel against the perineum. 

3/ Bend forward, inclining the body to the right to hold the right foot with the right hand.

4/ The finger should be in contact with the arch of foot and the dump should be on top. 

5/ Place the elbow on the floor on the inside of the straight leg. 

6/ Move the right shoulder down towards the right leg. 

7/ Bring the left arm over the head and grasp the right foot with the left hand. 

8/ Contracting the arms, slowly pull the right shoulder towards the right foot. 

9/ Ease the head under the left arm, relax the back and twist the trunk as much as possible so that the chest is open and facing forward. 

10/ Hold the pose for a comfortable length of time. 

11/ Release the hands, raising the left arms over the head and slowly return to the upright position, repeat the movement on the other side. 


1/ Brathe normally while position the leg.
2/ Exhale while inclining the trunk and placing the arms and hans into position then Inhale. 

3/ Exhale while pulling the body sideways. And breath normally while holding the final position 

4/ Inhale while returning to the upright position.

Duration - 

Practice once on each side new practitioners start it 10 - 30 sec and advance practitioner do this 1 minute or as long as possible if comfortable. 

Awareness -

Physical -  On the twist and stretch of the body.
Spiritual - On manipur chakra.

Benefits of parivritti Janu Sirshasana - 

1/ This asana gives a lateral stretch to the body. 

2/ Stretch the hamstrings and behind the shoulders. 

3/ It gives a beneficial compression of the abdominal muscles and organ 

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